Apr 21, 2022
In the fifth installment of the Artemis Women in Conservation Leadership series, we're joined by Flora Csontos, who used to work for the governor's office in Wisconsin. Her job was to recommend people to serve on the state's boards and commissions. She tells us about what that process is like, and how you can put your name into the proverbial slush pile for leadership roles in public service. Plus: Ego-driven ambition versus the desire to do good in the world; turkey hunting; and being a leadership enabler.
3:00 Cunning California turkeys
5:00 Embarking on a Turkey Grand Slam(!)
10:00 Wisconsin has phenomenal programming for adult-onset hunters
11:00 How often do you have reason to sit under a tree and do nothing? #reasonstohunt
14:00 In any given state there are dozens (if not hundreds) of boards/commissions a governor's office can appoint to
17:00 Commission, council, working group, task force = these are bodies of citizens lending their expertise on a particular issue
19:00 Try attending a meeting: Most commission meetings are open to the public, or they're available streaming. Start by showing up.
24:00 Artemis: Game Commissions 101 with Michelle Zimmerman
27:00 Marcia's experience as a governor-appointee on a board
30:00 Getting "the call" (almost like a surprise birthday party)
32:00 Getting into the governor's slush pile of board candidates (a pool that may be drained whenever a new governor is elected)
36:00 Armchair Expert with Adam Grant - imposter syndrome vs. imposter thoughts
40:00 Ego-driven ambition vs. the desire to do good in the world
46:00 "If you have good things to give, you should just show up."
49:00 Enabling leadership for those around you
52:00 These service opportunities are HARD... but it's the good, growth kind of hard (versus the toxic hard)
59:00 Progress, not perfection
1:01 Artemis' 2022 ambassadors have been chosen - we have 36 women from 28 states; with our 2021 ambassadors, that's 70+ women out there expanding access for women in sporting/conservation. Stay tuned. We can’t wait to introduce them to you!