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Artemis endeavors to get more women in the field and on the water, to support women as leaders in the conservation movement, to ensure the vitality of our lands, waters, and wildlife. Artemis endeavors to change the face of conservation.

Jan 13, 2022

An experienced hunter as a huge wealth of knowledge to offer newbies, so how can new hunters be poised to recieve this wisdom? In this episode we talk with Kathy Stevens and Erin Glen. Kathy has been hunting turkey and deer for more than 40 years. Erin's a brand-new hunter. The two of them met at an Artemis event, and a mentorship ensued. There are things new hunters can do to better their odds of landing under the wing of a more skilled hunter. Getting out there helps, but it also comes down to things like practicing using your firearm and being a good partner in the field. Also, Artemis is looking for its newest cohort of ambassadors! Apply here. This episode is brought to you by

2:00 Forty years of hunting experience... #huntergoals

5:00 Becoming a mentor

6:30 "Every spring since 1979 I've taken two weeks of vacation to go wild turkey hunting."

7:30 What inspires us to become hunters?

9:00 Artemis turkey camp - camp set-up, private versus public lands in South Carolina, and frigid temps in what's supposed to feel like spring

12:00 You can learn loads just by being in the field, even without seeing your quarry

16:00 Mentoring a new hunter when you haven't seen a deer on your last six hunts... THEN, back-to-back mentor/mentee shots

20:00 Friendship beyond the field - moving a mentorship from the woods to the tennis court

26:00 Mentors/mentees benefit from each other; it's a generous, giving spirit that makes the relationship work

27:00 It helps a mentor if a mentee comes as competent as possible - practice using your gun, log days at the shooting range, etc

28:00 You've got your hunter's ed certificate, you've watched some MeatEater... what's next?

30:00 As a new hunter, planning what you'll try next... "two new species a year"

36:00 Do you keep a journal of your hunts?

44:00 Hunting your favorite quarry (turkeys) in a new place

46:00 Learning to eat organ meats (pssst... deer liver? not like beef liver)

47:00 "Buck, Buck, Moose" cookbook by Hank Shaw (also check out the dirty rice recipe in "Duck, Duck, Goose" for liver ideas)

49:00 Olivia's turkey schnitzel recipe