Dec 16, 2021
In the third installment of our climate series, Artemis travels to Florida with Lindsay Cross. Water quality is at the nexus of healthy ecosystems in Florida, and in years where there's high run-off or water pollution you see sea grasses dying off, which leads to manatees dying off, and a whole suite of cascading effects. Plus, Lindsay tells us about her decision to run for a seat in the Florida House.
4:00 How many people are experiencing atypical weather for the season?
9:00 Choosing a university based on a function of program quality and ski-slope proximity
12:00 Salt barren - it's a place that's dry most of the time, apart from the occasional influx of tidal water; the plant/animals that thrive in salt terns are remarkably unique
13:00 Carbon Reducing Anaerobic Processes... or CRAP
15:00 Weedon Island Preserve paddling trails
16:00 Mangrove tunnels (plus, mangrove crabs)
20:00 Getting people fired up on a natural place by staging a 5K through it, and using the proceeds to fund field trips there
24:00 Water quality & pollution issues in a water-rich ecosystem; The consequences are seagrass die-off, which leads to manatee mortality and other consequences
29:00 Fertilizer ordinances in the rainy season to stymie the run-off that fuels algal blooms; It's easier to prevent pollution than to remediate it
32:00 Nobody wants to see a manatee die - but do these die-off events of beloved animals sometimes spur us into action?
36:00 Human habitation of Florida relies on properly functioning ecology, especially with hurricane resistance
37:00 Sea grasses as carbon sinks
45:00 A voter-led effort to restore funding for the acquisition of lands for preservation
47:00 "People don't take action on things until they feel an emotional connection"
51:00 Running for state House office (!!) & the value of scientists in public office
54:00 Redefining/discussing some of the barriers to women in leadership roles... "One way I've been fortunate is that I've had some really phenomenal female bosses."
1:00 The more people who we get to experience wild places, the more we pave the way for transformational change
1:01 David Sobel: "You have to teach someone to love something before you can ask them to save it"
1:02 Florida scrub jay, an endemic species
1:05 Hunter and Angler's Guide to Climate Change
1:06 Join the Artemis community -- we have a Facebook group. If Artemis has meant something to you, please consider sharing it with a friend or making a donation.